
Advanced Free Spanish Audio Lesson 11 – Las Dietas

In this free Spanish audio lesson, we discuss diets and their effectiveness.

Cynthia and I have very strong views on this subject, which, we must state, are purely our own opinions. “Es posible” that you think something completely different from what we say. This, however, is the purpose of this podcast. As an accomplished student of the Spanish language you must be able to state your opinion on matters and argue your case.

As you listen to us talk, try and formulate what you might say if you were talking with us. Would you be “de acuerdo con” or perhaps “en contra de” what we have to say about the fad diets that we are being sold day after day? Is it fair that they promise us the body of a Greek God when in fact we often end up looking more like a Greek urn? Tell us what you think in the comments section.

We have translated and transcribed this free Spanish audio lesson, and every podcast that we make, and make these materials available in our comprehensive Spanish worksheets. We even have some “try before you buy” helpsheets so you can be sure they are an invaluable resource. We’re positive that they will bring your learning to the next level. Give them a try!

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson

Advanced Free Spanish Podcast 12 – Medicina Alternativa

This free Spanish podcast has everything to do with alternative medicine.

In today’s modern world, medicine has moved forward at a tremendous speed and surgeons have the skills to perform breathtaking and lifesaving operations never before seen. Y eso nos encanta.

However, alternative medicine, and the benefits of using this kind of treatment, has been making a comeback, although it is not without its critics.

Once again, Cynthia and I have very strong views on this subject and perhaps we could be classed as being outside of mainstream thought. But that’s what life is all about. Differing opinions.

¿Qué opinas tú? Is modern medicine something you would use or have used? If the need arose, would you put your trust in it?

Listen in as we share our very personal opinions on alternative medicine and its usefulness. If you were sitting with us, what would you say? What could you add to the conversation? Tell us in the comments section.

In our comprehensive help-sheets, we have translated and transcribed this advanced free Spanish podcast and we’ve included lots more helpful bits of information. We even have some “try before you buy” helpsheets so you can be sure they are good value for the money.

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson

Advanced Spanish Audio Lesson 13 – 2012

This advanced Spanish audio has to do with the year 2012. Cynthia and I recorded this podcast in the lead up to this much discussed and anticipated year. At that time there were many differing opinions of what was going to occur. Some said it was going to be “el fin del mundo” and others said it would be the start of “algo nuevo”.

Were you aware of the buzz that existed about 2012? What did you think was going to happen? The focus of this audio in grammatical terms is that of possible futures and probable outcomes. That being the case, there is often a need to use the subjunctive when referring to potential futures and so it will be worth “prestando attención” to the way we talk about these up and coming events and listening out for the subjunctive.

If you have no idea of what the subjunctive is or it still confuses you (or terrifies you) then you can check out our special range of videos on the present subjunctive available on Youtube now.

As always, a full transcript and translation of this advanced Spanish audio is available in our comprehensive helpsheets, which help you the learner get the absolute most out of every episode of LightSpeed Spanish.

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson

Advanced Spanish Podcast 14 – Doblajes y Subtitulos

In this advanced Spanish podcast, we’re going to talk about movies in the Spanish language.

The Spanish cinema has a very different attitude toward films.

Do you know that virtually all the films shown in Spain are overdubbed or “dobladas” and rarely are the subtitled or “subtituladas”.

Every actor and actress has their own specific voice over person that follows their entire career. Imagine those lucky enough to have been given the job of overdubbing famous actors like Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger! ¡Un trabajo de por vida! Sometimes, the actor that overdubs the voice of a Hollywood star dies and they have to give them a new voice, much to the disappointment and sadness of the Spanish nation.

In this newest episode you can discover Cynthia’s reaction upon hearing the real voices of the all the famous actors that, as far as she was concerned, had Spanish voices. We also mention the kind of films that we like to watch together and our opinion of subtitled films.

As ever, we have a full transcript and translation of this advanced Spanish podcast in our comprehensive Spanish helpsheets, which help you get the most out of every episode of LightSpeed Spanish.

Video for This Spanish Lesson

Audio for This Spanish Lesson

Advanced Spanish Podcast 15 – Mercedes y Tecnología

Mercedes, Cynthia’s mum, gives a great interview with Gordon in this advanced Spanish podcast, in which she talks clearly about the youth in Spain and the challenges and opportunities they have before them. At the time of the interview Spain was just starting to feel the effects of “la crisis” that has since overtaken the Spanish economy in such an aggressive and shocking way.

What is really interesting about one aspect of the Spanish culture is their respect for young people. Given that it was only 40 years ago that the country was still in under the control of Franco’s regime, many of today’s parents can remember only too well the hunger and shortages that the entire country suffered.

Much of them have almost made the decision that their own children were not going to have to suffer in that same way. Thus, as you listen to Mercedes, why not see if you can get the sense of this in how she describes the youth of today.

Toward the end of the podcast we talk about “la tecnología moderna” and Mercedes tells us how it has affected her life and the things she uses on a daily basis. See if you can spot them!

As always, we offer a full transcript and translation of this advanced Spanish podcast in our comprehensive Spanish helpsheets, which have been developed with you, the Spanish language learner, in mind.