
262 Chalk and Talk The Moody Spanish Subjunctive

In this lesson we look at the mean and moody Spanish Subjunctive and see just what it is that unifies it. Can we give it an umbrella meaning that applies across all areas of the Spanish subjunctive?If you get mad at the moody Spanish subjunctive, then this is the lesson for you.Un saludo, Gordon y... Read more »
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250 Chalk and Talk To say with the Spanish subjunctive

In this lesson we look at the the English verb To say with the Spanish subjunctive and how the structure is often very different.We also consider the way we use To want with the subjunctive too. Come and join us and learn more about the verbs to want and to say with the Spanish subjunctive.Un... Read more »
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246 Chalk and Talk Saying: I’m wrong in Spanish

In this lesson we look at ways of saying: I’m wrong in Spanish using the most common verbs. We also look at the way that we use the Spanish subjunctive and indicative with some Lo bueno and Es bueno phrases.So, if you have problems saying: I’m wrong in Spanish, then this is the lesson for... Read more »
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32 Chalk and Talk Spanish Future Subjunctive AFTERWARDS LightSpeed Spanish

‘Afterwards’ and the Spanish Future Subjunctive.  When we say: The Spanish Future Subjunctive, we are not talking about the real Spanish future subjunctive tense that you may have seen in old Spanish. Rather, we are talking about the present tense Subjunctive that is used when referring to up and coming future events. Listen in as... Read more »
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30 Chalk and Talk Spanish Subjunctive Possibilities (cont) LightSpeed Spanish

Spanish Subjunctive Possibilities continued. Hola de nuevo. We are into the second half of the lesson on Spanish subjunctive possibilities. This time we look at the way that they are used with such verbs as Negar and Dudar. Spanish subjunctive possibilities are a fundamental part of our spoken Spanish and so it’s really worth your... Read more »
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