We had the fantastic opportunity of talking to Steve Kaufmann, a 20 language polyglot who has shown the world that learning multiple languages is very possible.
In this interview, we talk with Steve Kaufmann about the challenges, his favorite languages of passion and we ask him if he will ever stop learning.
Join us and meet the guy we all aspire to be!
Un saludo,
Gordon y Cynthia:)
Video for This Spanish Lesson
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Free Videocasts Take a look at our range of 160 free podcasts and many other lessons all designed to take your Spanish forward at LightSpeed! Every videocast that we have produced comes with a comprehensive helpsheet to guide you through the grammar and to test your understanding.
Our Fantastic Books Check out our ever increasing range of high acclaimed, no-nonsense workbooks that explain Spanish grammar in easy-to-follow language. (Link to books)
Our Total Immersion Courses Set close to Madrid in Spain we offer week-long total immersion courses designed to boost your confidence levels sky high! Remember that as a Socio you have a 50 Euro discount from the cost of the course.
Online one-to-one and group lessons. Why not have a free, no obligation chat with Ana and find out more about what is available to really get your Spanish moving!
Gordon’s Diaries. Catch up on the 100s of free ‘Diarios de Gordon’ in which he talks about Spain, life and anything else that comes to his mind.
Cynthia’s Insights. Join Cynthia as she gives her take on life in Spain and on life in general in her free range of video diaries.
All of our Playlists. Come and browse through the hundreds of videos that we have for you to enjoy on Youtube. If you have any questions or want to know more, please feel free to write to lightspeedspanish@hotmail.co.uk