
318 Chalk and Talk Reported Speech in Spanish

In this lesson, Gordon explains the Reported Speech (El estilo Indirecto) in Spanish. What is the reported speech? To understand it in the best way, Gordon will explain what is using many examples.This is a very useful lesson where you will learn and improve the use of reported speech in Spanish?Come, join us and enjoy... Read more »
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288 Chalk and Talk Move Spanish present to past

In this lesson, we look at what we have to do to move our Spanish present into the past when we are reporting speech.This is always a challenge and in this lesson we get a chance to practise our skills!Come and join us and start moving the Spanish present into the past!Un saludo, Gordon y... Read more »
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4 Chalk and Talk Reported Speech: Who said what to whom?

¡Hola, Socios! This week we are having a little break from the pronouns, although we will be coming back to them. In this Chalk and Talk session, requested by Pete Lovstrom, we will be looking at what is called ‘reported speech in Spanish’ and the way it is used. Just like anything else, Reported Speech... Read more »
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