
360 Lesson Tan, Tanto, Mucho, Muy & Demasiado in Spanish

In this lesson, we are going to talk about Tan, Tanto, Mucho, Muy & Demasiado in Spanish. Firstly, we will get to know Cynthia better by asking her several questions. Do you want to know more about Cynthia? Secondly, we will learn more about the use of Tan, Tanto, Mucho, Muy & Demasiado in Spanish.Come... Read more »
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29 Chalk and Talk Muy vs Mucho and other important words LightSpeed Spanish

Muy vs Mucho. Getting them right. It’s quite interesting how often we get the Muy vs Mucho question wrong. Mostly it has to do with our translation from English to Spanish. However, in this Chalk and Talk we go beyond the Muy vs Mucho question and look at the way that these words, along with... Read more »
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