
190 Chalk and Talk Leísmo and Laísmo LightSpeed Spanish

In this great lesson we look at the reason why Leísmo exists along with Laísmo. We also clear up the confusion in sentences like: ‘Lo veo’. Does this mean: ‘I see him’ or ‘I see it’?If you are curious about just waht Leísmo is, then this is the lesson for you! Un saludo, Gordon y... Read more »
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55 Lesson Chico vs Muchacho and much more LightSpeed Spanish

Chico vs Muchacho – Señor/Señora vs Mujer/Hombre Abrírselo vs Abrírsele This is a very wide ranging lesson that covers a number of topics, like the chico vs muchacho issue and so much more. Watch on and find out lots of important things that will help to make your Spanish great. un saludo, Cynthia y Gordon:)... Read more »
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7 Chalk and Talk Review my Spanish LightSpeed Spanish

¡Hola Socios! This week, thanks to a timely reminder from Jean Dook on the importance of reviewing and reinforcing our learning, we are going to have a ‘repaso’ of everything we have covered in the Ser Socio Chalk and Talk sessions. Until we did this, we didn’t realise quite how far we had come and... Read more »
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3 Chalk and Talk Redundant use of the LE pronoun

¡Hola, Socios! In combination with this weeks lesson on Direct and Indirect objects pronouns (better known as LE, LO, LA etc.) we offer you a Chalk and Talk session on the way LE is used in a redundant way often in sentences. We’ve had so many requests for us to cover these topics that we... Read more »
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