
177 Lesson Talking of death in Spanish and Spanish put verbs LightSpeed Spanish

Death and Spanish put verbs-what a combination! In this lesson we firstly talk about the things that we can say in Spanish when someone or a pet dies. Do you known how to give your condolences? We then talk about the Spanish PUT verbs such as: echar, poner, meter, pegar and much more. This video... Read more »
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171 Chalk and Talk The verb Echar Uses and Expressions LightSpeed Spanish

The verb Echar- It’s all movement! In this lesson we offer you a great lesson on the verb Echar and it’s many uses and expressions. It really only has one meaning, despite it being used in many different situations. Do you know what that is? Listen in as we help you with it!   Gordon... Read more »
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8 Chalk and Talk The verb Echar and Echarse LightSpeed Spanish

¡Hola, Socios! This week in the Chalk and Talk we deal with the verb Echar and Echarse. This was requested by David Pullan and Lisa Hunter, so ‘gracias a ellos por sugerirlo.’ Echar has a massive amount of expressions attached to it yet in this session we are going to focus on the more common... Read more »
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