
382 Chalk and Talk Alguno y Ninguno in Spanish

In this lesson, Gordon is going to talk about Alguno y Ninguno in Spanish. During this lesson, Gordon will explain difference between both of them.Enjoy learning this lesson in Spanish with us. Also, you will improve the use of Alguno y Ninguno in Spanish.Un saludo, Gordon y Cynthia 😊​Video for This Spanish LessonAs well as... Read more »
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274 Lesson Uno vs Alguno + Subtle subjunctive

In this lesson we look at the differences between Uno vs Alguno as well as Ninguno and Cualquiera.We then move on to look at the subtleties of the Spanish subjunctive use when asking questions.So, come and find out about Uno vs Alguno and so much more!Un saludo, Gordon y Cynthia:)Download the Translation and Homework HERE(This... Read more »
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49 Beginners Alguno vs Ninguno

In this lesson we look at the way we use Alguno vs Ninguno and the curious rules that surround these words.

Come and have some fun and learn how to navigate your way the Alguno vs Ninguno puzzle.

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Un saludo,

Gordon y Cynthia:)

Video for This Spanish Lesson

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson

183 Chalk and Talk Alguien vs Nadie Alguno vs Ninguno LightSpeed Spanish

In this great lesson we cover the somewhat confusing words such as: Alguien vs Nadie, Alguno vs Ninguno, Algo vs Nada.We also show you how to use the double negative as well as the subjunctive with many of these words.Finally, Gordon tests your listening skills with a story about the man who has saved his... Read more »
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