Advanced Spanish Video Lesson 17 – La Politica

Ahora, ¡un tema difícil! We chose to include this subject as a Spanish video lesson not because we are experts on politics, nor because we are interested in it! In fact, we don’t really know why we made it!

However, like in most conversations in every country, the subject of politics comes up and even if you don’t have an opinion, it’s important to be able to state that and back it up with a good reason.

For example, because of “la crisis”, Spain is currently in tremendous political turmoil. Political parties are being voted in and out in the hope that one of them will be able to resolve the terrible financial problems that are crippling the country at present.

In all the major cities there are regular “manifestaciones” (protests) about the lack of work and opportunities, particularly for the youth. Thus, having some vocabulary in your pocket, so to speak, to enable you to follow and add your own personal comments to a conversation on this emotive subject.

Listen in or watch as we discuss our very limited perspective of modern day politics. As you will hear, we are not in any way, shape or form experts on the subject.

A full transcript and translation of this episode is waiting for you in our comprehensive Spanish helpsheets, which have much more information to help absorb the contents of our episodes.

Video for This Spanish Lesson

Audio for This Spanish Lesson