Advanced Free Spanish Audio 7 – Music

This free Spanish audio should get your toes tapping because today we’re talking about la musica.

One of the downfalls of living in the UK for us is that the music that gets played on the radio is only either English or American. Once in a while there appears a novelty song from another country, but in general the radio stations never stray from music of their own language.

This is a real shame, given that the music from Spain and from Latin America is some of the best in the world! There is such a variation of style, rhythm and genre that a listener could well be overwhelmed by it.

Now, we are lucky to have the Internet and therefore can access music every day through mediums such as Youtube and Spotify, among many others. We now can immerse ourselves completely in Spanish music.

But why should we do that? Well, quite literally, listening to Spanish music will drive your Spanish forward at a much faster rate. Of course, learning with music has been around for centuries. Parents have always done it with their children and every country teaches its children nursery rhymes that are remembered for the rest of their lives.

Listen in as we talk about music and list some of the important artists in the Spanish speaking world.

The transcription and translation of this podcast along with a host of additional information and guidance can be found in the comprehensive Spanish language help-sheets written and designed with you, our learner, in mind.

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson