Advanced Intermediate Spanish Podcast 6 – Listening Practice in Spanish

Listening practice in Spanish is a key part of learning the language. Listening to children talk in Spanish is no easy feat. What is interesting, however, is the way Ulises, (el hijo del primo del padre de Cynthia jeje) talks us through his daily routines in a very matter of fact way.

In this interview with Ulises, you get a chance to hear the kind of subjects that he enjoys, and the ones he doesn’t like, too. He guides us through his favourite foods, hobbies and some of his action heroes that even caused Cynthia problems to decipher.

We also get an insight into his meals, particularly what he has for his “merienda” the typical snack that children have once they come out of school in the mid afternoon.

Listen in and see if you can identify all of the subjects he studies. ¡Es tu desafío!

When he made this podcast, Ulises was a charming 8 year old boy. Now he’s just as charming but a few years older.

For those interested in learning at a deeper level, you can find all the additional information and guidance in the comprehensive Spanish help-sheets along with the full transcription and translation of the entire podcast. ¡Buena suerte!.

Audio for This Spanish Lesson