
195 Spanish False Friends and multiple meanings LightSpeed Spanish

In this lesson we cover the way that some Spanish words can have multiple meanings as well as the Spanish false friends that often catch us out.Do you know how to say Brave? Is it Bravo or Valiente?Come and join us and have fun learning!Un saludo, Gordon y Cynthia:)Download the Translation and Homework HERE(This link... Read more »
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160 Lesson Spanish False Cognates (friends) LightSpeed Spanish

Testing your knowledge of the infamous Spanish False Cognates.  In the first half of the lesson, we talk about the funny moments that we have had (well, that Gordon has had) when we made mistakes in Spanish, confusing one word for another. These are called Spanish False Cognates and they can cause any student to... Read more »
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33 Chalk and Talk Tiempo vs Hora and Yo vs Mí LightSpeed Spanish

Tiempo vs Hora vs Vez In this Chalk and Talk we take a look at the ways we use Tiempo vs Hora as well when we should use Vez, which also can mean time. The issue, clearly, is with the fact that Time in English can mean so many different things. Once you understand the... Read more »
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