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220 Lesson Abstract Spanish and Modern Technology LightSpeed Spanish

In this lesson we explain how abstract Spanish and English sentences translate without having to revert to metaphors. Often, it’s this abstract Spanish that catches us out.In the first half we talk about the technological advances and what we think of them. Good or bad?Un saludo, Gordon y Cynthia:)Download the Translation and Homework HERE(This link... Read more »
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221 Lesson Translating Spanish LightSpeed Spanish

Why not test yourself out by translating Spanish with us. In this lesson we look at a famous ‘cuento’ that is about milk and mistakes. If you would like some help with translating Spanish, then this is the lesson for you!Un saludo, Gordon y Cynthia:)Download the Translation and Homework HERE(This link will open a new... Read more »
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222 Lesson Spanish noun genders and ageing LightSpeed Spanish

In tbis lesson we laugh our way through a chat on getting old and then talk about Spanish noun genders. There are lots of exceptions and we have created families that cover the most common variations.The exceptions to the Spanish noun genders are very important to know. This lesson will help you to avoid making... Read more »
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223 Lesson OVNIS and the Spanish verb DAR LightSpeed Spanish

In this lesson we start by talking about OVNIS (Objectos Voladores No Identificados) and then we move on to the Spanish verb Dar and it’s many, many uses.The Spanish verb Dar is such an important verb and the multiple expressions are not always obvious to us non-natives. Listen in as we cover some of the... Read more »
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