
Early Intermediate Spanish Podcast 10 – Hay vs. Estar

In this free Spanish lesson, we take a close look at hay vs estar. We’ve found that many students are very confused about how exactly these words should be used. One means “there is” while the other means “it is”.

When should you use one as opposed to the other? That’s just the question we’re here to answer.

If this has been a cause of confusion for you in the past, fret not, because this episode will help make everything clearer.

Don’t miss the simple tip that will ensure you’ll never get the choice of hay vs estar wrong again.

We have prepared a wealth of additional information and guidance specifically with you our learner in mind, which can be found in the comprehensive LightSpeed Spanish worksheets.

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Beginners Spanish Podcast 14 – Tell Time in Spanish

Do speakers tell time in Spanish like we do, or do they have a totally different system?

Listen to this Spanish lesson for beginners as we explain their straight-forward process and show you what it means when you say things like “It’s seven less fifteen.”

For your greater understanding, all the additional information and guidance can be found in the comprehensive help-sheets.

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Audio for This Spanish Lesson

Advanced Intermediate Spanish Podcast 15 – Double Pronouns in Spanish

Following on from the previous podcast on indirect object pronouns (IOPs, for short) and their use, we now cover double pronouns in Spanish, or the redundant use of IOPs. What, we hear you ask, is that? Well, unknown to most students are a list of verbs that require the IOP even when the name of the person receiving the action is mentioned.

Because this is not as commonly known as it should be it often causes massive confusion to students. (This is what happened to me, Gordon, when I heard sentences like, “Le dije a mi madre que…”)

Listen in to this free Spanish podcast and discover what this is all about and take your abilities with the language to new levels. Until you understand this fully and can incorporate the rule into your spoken Spanish, it’s probable that you will frequently make this mistake.

“Venga”, let’s get this sorted “¡de una vez!”

Of course, a full transcription, translation and lots of useful notes about this podcast can be found in the ever-useful Spanish help-sheets that also include a list along with working examples of the verbs that require the IOPs.

You won’t be disappointed! Have a listen!

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Advanced Spanish Podcast 14 – Doblajes y Subtitulos

In this advanced Spanish podcast, we’re going to talk about movies in the Spanish language.

The Spanish cinema has a very different attitude toward films.

Do you know that virtually all the films shown in Spain are overdubbed or “dobladas” and rarely are the subtitled or “subtituladas”.

Every actor and actress has their own specific voice over person that follows their entire career. Imagine those lucky enough to have been given the job of overdubbing famous actors like Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger! ¡Un trabajo de por vida! Sometimes, the actor that overdubs the voice of a Hollywood star dies and they have to give them a new voice, much to the disappointment and sadness of the Spanish nation.

In this newest episode you can discover Cynthia’s reaction upon hearing the real voices of the all the famous actors that, as far as she was concerned, had Spanish voices. We also mention the kind of films that we like to watch together and our opinion of subtitled films.

As ever, we have a full transcript and translation of this advanced Spanish podcast in our comprehensive Spanish helpsheets, which help you get the most out of every episode of LightSpeed Spanish.

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Beginners Spanish Podcast 13 – Masculine and Feminine Spanish Words

Did you know that all Spanish naming words are either masculine or feminine? Did you know that there’s no rhyme nor reason to it?

So, how on earth do you know whether a word is masculine or feminine? Listen in on this Spanish podcast as we show you how to know and give you some tips on some of the more complex words.

Remember, all the additional information and guidance on masculine and feminine Spanish words can be found in the comprehensive Spanish help-sheets that have been designed with you, the learner, in mind.

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