Demystifying the Spanish Subjunctive (Feel the Fear and Subjunctive Anyway)
Soon to be available from all online outlets and on Kindle.
Probably, like most students of the Spanish language, you have the common fear/dread of the Imperfect and Present Subjunctive Spanish. You needn’t worry any more. That’s because Gordon and Cynthia of LightSpeed Spanish have created the perfect solution to your concerns.
Taking their combined 25 years of teaching experience they have created an easy to understand, step by step guide to using the Imperfect and Present Subjunctive Spanish. Using a never before seen ‘TRIGGER’ system, they avoid the rather meaningless ‘why’ question and go straight on to explain the more important ‘how’ and ‘when’ of the Spanish Subjunctive.
Here is an excerpt from one of the earlier chapters:
Mi momento bombilla.
My ‘light bulb’ moment.
One day I had an epiphany. It was one of those ‘light bulb’ moments that brought with it a realisation that was to change the entire way I approached the subjunctive.
My moment came whilst I mused over how children learnt language. You see, children don’t learn language like adults. Adults like to learn with structure, exercises, heaps of grammar, more exercises; all of which is typically squashed into two hours a week. (Unless, of course, you belong to the ‘obsessed’ group who tend to work the ‘two hours a day’ plan.)
Children however, have no concept of what grammar is. They couldn’t care less about it. Rather, they limit themselves to learning the patterns of language and repeating those patterns. They make endless mistakes which are patiently (or not so patiently) corrected by their parents and teachers until, finally, they get it right.
What’s more, when children are first learning language they spend little or no time asking the ‘why’ question. Rather, they focus themselves on the ‘how’ and the ‘when’.
Where the idea came from.
This book was born out of the many years that Gordon and Cynthia of have spent teaching students of all levels to improve their Spanish.
“There is a distinct gap in the market for a good system of understanding and using the Spanish Subjunctive.” says, Gordon. ” Over the years we have developed some simple ways of helping our students to understand what is often seen as a terribly difficult concept.”
Cynthia, Gordon’s wife and co-founder of LightsSpeed Spanish has this to say on their new book: ” Our Imperfect and Present Subjunctive Spanish series of videos in Youtube has been so successful and has had so many positive comments that we knew that we had to create a book that would expand on the ‘TRIGGER’ idea and cover a wide range of Spanish Subjunctive uses.
We believe that we have created just that with our new book: Demystifying the Spanish Subjunctive. (Feel the fear and subjunctive anyway.)”
The reality.
No matter what you think of the Imperfect and Present Subjunctive Spanish, the reality is that if you are serious about learning Spanish, then you have to get serious about the Subjunctive. It just won’t go away, ever! What’s more, the better your level, the more you’ll need it.
So, why don’t you take the leap and get stuck into the Subjunctive now. And with our book to guide and support you, you’re sure to get there.
We hope that you enjoy using our book as much as we have had fun in making it for you.
saludos desde España,
Gordon y Cynthia