LightSpeed Spanish releases a Spanish Parallel Text book.
Victor’s Adventures in Spain is the first book in a planned series of Spanish parallel text workbooks developed and published by the creators of the popular online school of the Spanish language, LightSpeed Spanish.
Since its release in December of 2014 it has received much positive acclaim and was recently voted as one of the best rated Spanish parallel text books on the market.
But wait, there’s more.
Not only is it a Spanish parallel text book, it also comes with an audio book in which a native ‘madrileña’ reads the entire story. In addition to that, there are extra audio downloads using cutting edge techniques to help you to build your vocabulary and verbs faster than ever.
From Beginner to Advanced Intermediate.
Take a look at how the book starts out with simple, easy to understand Spanish which then, poco a poco, guides the reader toward a more advanced level of Spanish.
Capítulo 2
En casa, Víctor va directamente a su dormitorio y enciende el ordenador. Mientras se carga, piensa en su aventura y en vivir en España. Sin duda va a ser muy interesante. Luego, escribe la dirección para abrir la página principal de Espanglishchat. Víctor, pone su apodo, Vic25 y pica en –enter-. Unos pocos segundos después aparece la sala de chat. Hay ciento veinte usuarios en el chat y va muy rápido. Víctor tiene miedo de empezar. Respira fuerte y empieza a escribir.
Víctor -Hola. Muy buenas tardes. Me llamo Víctor y soy de Inglaterra.-
De repente aparecen unos mensajes.
Eliana22 -Hola Víctor. ¿De qué parte de Inglaterra eres?-
Madman -Buenas tardes, Víctor. ¿Qué tal estás?-
Víctor no sabe a quién contestar primero.
Víctor -@Eliana22…Soy de York, una ciudad en el norte de Inglaterra. @Madman…Estoy muy bien gracias, ¿y tú?-
Eliana22 – ¡Conozco York! Mi hermano estudia en la universidad. Normalmente yo paso dos semanas con él durante el verano. Me gusta mucho la cuidad. J ¿Vives en el centro?-
Madman -Estoy fenomenal, Víctor. ¿Es ésta la primera vez que entras en el chat?-
Víctor -No, vivo en las afueras, Eliana, pero mi casa no está lejos del centro. Está a unos diez minutos. Y sí, Madman, es la primera vez que vengo aquí. Me gusta mucho.
And so it goes, with the Spanish getting progressively more challenging as the story carries you along. Everything that appears in the book is backed up by our online resources at and also on our Youtube Channel
If you enjoy building your vocabulary, then Victor’s Adventures is also for you. There are many speed learning techniques that allow you to learn vocabulary and verbs faster than ever before. You can see the Spanish verb and vocabulary builder on Youtube also.
Come and join us.
If you would like to join like-minded people and share in the learning come to our Facebook group filled with non-native and native speakers, who can answer your questions (sometimes within seconds). What’s more, we have our main Facebook page where you will always know what the latest news is.
Available just about everywhere online.
If you think that Victor’s Adventures in Spain, will help you, then just click this link or visit your closest Amazon online retailer or any other reputable online book seller.
Saludos de Gordon y Cynthia:)