Direct and Indirect Pronouns in Spanish
I’ve been there.
Whatever you are currently going through regarding the pronouns in Spanish you can rest assured that I have been in your place, too.
If you are confused, frustrated, mystified or just down right off the boil with them, I can understand you completely.
The Good News.
The good news is that, despite how it might seem, pronouns are actually here to make your life easier. How can that be when all they seem to do is to slow down our Spanish? Well, the fact is that the job they have in language is to speed it up for us.
The issue is, however, because their use can be quite confusing, especially at the beginning, they tend to make your Spanish slow down, sometimes, so it seems, to a terminal crawl.
The Purpose of this Series.
The purpose of this series of videos, which at the time of writing this blog hasn’t actually been completed, is to help our learners to UNDERSTAND the use of Pronouns in Spanish.
What that doesn’t mean is that once you understand how they work, suddenly your Spanish will go at the speed of light.
The difference will be that you will be able to use them correctly and with confidence. The speed will come later, with practice. Lots and lots of it!
Get it right….then get it said.
You can’t begin to imagine how many people we have heard speaking Spanish fluently but using their pronouns incorrectly. (I, Gordon, have been guilty of that a good number of times.)
Our suggestion is always to learn how to use them correctly, first. Understand how they work and then start to incorporate them into your conversation. To understand why this is so important you must watch the Levels of Learning video.
The Levels of Learning.
The danger of learning something badly is that once it’s in your unconscious mind and labelled as “learnt”, it’s a bugger to change.
I had this issue with my past participles in English. I come from South Shields and in my town, nobody seems to use the PP correctly. They say, I have went, I have ate, they have spoke etc.
I was brought up with this and learnt my English without the past participles. All of my life I have had to fight with myself to change that childhood learning. Finally, thanks to Cynthia’s help, I have my PP under control. Even so, sometimes I still make an error.
Start out as you mean to go on.
It’s for that reason that you should pay special attention to this series of videos so that you learn them well and in the correct way. It will pay dividends in the future.
So, below we have added all the current videos. Enjoy them!