Native Spanish Speaker Spanish Male Model Guillermo on being an Azafato

Spanish Speaker. Being a male model in Spain.guillermo scale

Guillermo is a young man and Spanish speaker who I have known since he was 10 years old. Suddenly, about four years ago, he started to shoot up, (not overly common in Spain) and became the guy you now see in the video and in the picture here.

His job is mainly working in promotional activities in the role of  “un azafato”. Originally, the word AZAFATA was used to describe what was, in the eighties, a primarily female role on the airlines, which was the  job of an air hostess. Now, we have air stewards of both genders and so we call them azafatos, or azafatas.

Gulliermo, however, does not work on the airlines but rather in Madrid centre where he models clothing, or works on the launches of new brands of perfume or clothing.

His job is to be the one of the  pretty people that we expect to see in these events. It seems to work for him and he enjoys what he does as well having the opportunity to meet many famous people.

The issue is, as Guillermo explains, that the work isn’t steady and can swing wildly from him having many hours to having nothing at all.

Whilst he is single and living with his parents, this kind of erratic income isn’t a problem, however, as he goes on to say, his plans for the future don’t include being a model.

Partying in Spain.

Just like many other young people, Guillermo enjoys to party and often goes out with his friends to nightclubs, (still called discotecas in Spain). However, given that few of the young people of Spain have large incomes, they prefer to have a drink before they go out to save money. Often, they get together in the street and drink there. That is, however, until the police started to crack down on the “no drinking in public places” law that exists in Spain.

Beber en la calle….prohibido

In the interview he tells of how, if you are caught with alcohol in the street in Madrid centre, they can fine you 500 euros! Imagine, how difficult would it be for them to pay that kind of fine!

Guillermo also talks about where he enjoys taking his holidays. He mentions Benidorm, Alicante,and Torrevieja, all of the places that many British holiday makers enjoy, too. (Personally, I would run screaming from them, something which may have to do with my age hehe.)

It seems that whether you are a Spanish speaker or an English speaker, the coast is the place to be to have fun.(Or not;))

Listen in to this interesting Spanish speaker and see how much you can understand.


Gordon 🙂

Video for This Spanish Lesson


Audio for This Spanish Lesson